Well Water Testing
Clean, Fresh Well Water For Every Home
Millions of homeowners rely on well water for their everyday source of water. However, well water isn’t federally regulated like municipal water is. Unfortunately, you can’t just look at a glass of water and assume that it’s safe to consume. While it could look, taste, or smell normal, there could be underlying issues floating in your water!
Whether you’re a first time user or a seasoned pro, it’s important to brush up on your basics and see why you should test your well water with ONIT Home.
Step One: Start Things Off Right With a Water Test
If you’re new to having well water you may be wondering, “Why do I need to test it?” Simply put, maintaining regular testing of your well water is a crucial step for homeowners. Testing your well water regularly shows:
- Existing problems with your water as far as contaminations
- Keeping your water suitable for your family and pets
- Shows how effectively your water treatment system operates
- See changes over time
Well water owners should look to get their water tested at least one time per year. However, if you have a more shallow well (under 100 feet), you should test twice a year. If your home is subject to long power outages, a natural disaster, or disturbances near your well, be sure to give us a call and we’ll be out to test your water to make sure everything is running properly.

Step Two: Trust ONIT Home For All Your Well Water Testing Needs
If you have well water, you’re no stranger to the idea of testing your water. However, you may feel like a stranger to those testing your water sources. That all stops with ONIT Home’s customer service! When you partner with ONIT Home, we’re not only your trusted source for clean water, but also your friend and teammate through it all.
We bring our southern manners to your front door whenever you need us. We’re ONIT with monitoring for changes to make sure your water is always healthy for your family.
Our testing is comprehensive, giving you the results and answers you need. Our tailor made system is designed with your household in mind. Whatever your needs are, our system is set up to give you the perfect results every day.
We test for:
- Sulfate
- Fluoride
- Total dissolved solids (TDS)
- Basic potability
- Coliform bacteria
- Ions
- Nitrate
- pH levels
- And more!
What’s Floating in Your Well Water?
Excess Iron
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Hydrogen Sulfide
Nitrates may be naturally occurring ions, but they’re a health concern when it goes beyond a certain concentration. Nitrates are common in our groundwater, as it enters our water sources from fertilizers, manure storage, and septic systems. This contaminant is nearly impossible to identify without a water test, as it is odorless, tasteless, and colorless.Sediments
Sediments are tiny minerals resembling sand. Sediment accumulation is hard to spot unless your well pump pulls in large amounts. Without treatment, sediment buildup can damage plumbing and appliances. It can also leave stains on clothing, sinks, and other fixtures. Well water tests can determine if this contaminant is present.Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
VOCs are typically human-made chemicals used in a variety of products, from cleaning supplies to pharmaceuticals. Exposure can lead to irritation of the nose, throat, and eyes as well as kidney damage. Other symptoms include headache and nausea.Mercury
Exposure to mercury in water can be damaging to our brain, nervous system, and kidneys. It can enter our home after flowing into underground water supplies. Mercury is odorless and hard to detect with the naked eye, however, a water test will help you evaluate if the contaminant is present.Copper
Copper leaches into your water from your plumbing pipes. Our bodies have natural defense mechanisms for maintaining healthy levels of copper, but this doesn’t develop until after we are one year old. Therefore, copper poses a concern for newborn babies, infants, and those with a genetic copper metabolism disorder. This contaminant appears tasteless and odorless, so make sure to schedule home water testing today!Hydrogen Sulfide
A quick whiff of your water should help you determine if hydrogen sulfide is present — it smells like rotten eggs. This contaminant is responsible for the growth of bacteria that can clog your well and plumbing, leading to costly repairs. It can also leave dark stains on silverware. Exposure to hydrogen sulfide may irritate your eyes or respiratory system. It may also cause dizziness, abdominal pain, or headaches.Excess Iron
Excessive iron concentration can leave a metallic taste in your water. If your water is yellow or red, you likely have too much iron in your water. It can also clog your water well and cause stains on plumbing fixtures, laundry, or dishes.Arsenic
Arsenic is one of the more dangerous contaminants, as it is odorless and tasteless. This contaminant becomes toxic after continuous exposure. Long-term exposure has been linked to various health and skin conditions. Arsenic is common in homes that use a private well or are close to an industrial or agricultural area.What’s Floating in Your Well Water?
Professional Installation

Affordable Solutions for Whole Home Water Filtration
We may offer free, best-in-class water tests and top-of-the-line water filtration systems, but we’re in the business of making it possible for every family to enjoy clean and delicious water, no matter their budget. That’s why we offer customizable solutions unique to the needs of each family.
Contact us today and ask how you can get a new water filtration system installed for as little as $15/mo!
Top Quality Well Water Testing Followed by Customizable Machine
Your home water should taste delicious, that’s why ONIT Home has the perfect solution for homes that have well water. Long gone are the days of using pitchers that you have to fill up every few hours, and step into the world of a home water filtration system.
Our well water system gives you great tasting water, without chemicals, toxins, chlorine, or a salt system. Head on over to our well water equipment page so you can learn more about this system and the benefits that come with it!
Our system is designed for your home. The commercial grade system is set up to work specifically with your home water needs. This system isn’t a one size fits all, it’s customized for your household!

Want clean water? We're ONIT.
Stop drinking non-filtered water. Improve your water quality today with a customized solution for your home and family.
Want clean water? We're ONIT.
Stop drinking non-filtered water. Improve your water quality today with a customized solution for your home and family.