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Hey Austin, Texas – What’s On Tap? Understanding Austin Water Quality

Austin, Texas downtown skyline at night on the Colorado River as unidentified tourists ride water bikes
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Austin, Texas: do you know what’s in your water? There are different types of contaminants lurking in our water systems that we can’t taste or see with the naked eye. Without water testing, you might never know the water quality. Is the Austin water quality up to standards? 

Technically, yes. They are up to the government standards. However, did you know that those standards haven’t been updated in years?

While Austin meets those standards, the Austin water quality does not meet the Environmental Working Group (EWG) standards. 

woman with light brown hair wearing white shirt and leggings drinking out of green bottle

Understanding Water Quality

Having clean drinking water is essential to our bodies. 70% of our body is water, and going one week without water is fatal. Water has so many different benefits that the U.S Center for Disease & Control Prevention (CDC) recommends drinking no less than 64 ounces of water daily. 

The majority of Americans have access to tap water, but with tap water comes contaminants. There are different contaminants that are lurking in our water systems all across the country, but not one city has perfectly clean tap water. There are different types of health risks that are related to the water tainted with contaminants, viruses, and pollutants. Knowing this, we’ve often taken the good, clean drinking water for granted. 

That’s where ONIT steps in. 

At ONIT Home, we believe in water quality. The water quality will tell you if your drinking water contains any contaminants that could cause future health problems. Some of the contaminants originate from our natural environment, such as microbial contamination in our soil, or metals in rocks. The other harmful contaminants can come from human sources, such as fertilizers, pesticides, industrial, or household wastes. 

Remember, we use water for more than just drinking. We use water for bathing, watering plants, cleaning fresh fruits and veggies, and washing our clothing and dishes. Knowing what is in your water is important. Remember, the best course of action is to be proactive rather than reactive. 

daytime view of austin skyline

Austin Water Quality Breakdown

The following data is provided through the EWG Tap Water Database for the city of Austin. Even though the tap water is in compliance with federal health-based drinking water standards, those standards are old and outdated. Legal water quality does not mean safe and healthy. The best way to ensure that your tap water is clean is to keep pollution from the water source in the first place. 

What’s on Tap, Austin? 

  • The chemical bromochloroacetic acid tested at 248 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Bromodichloromethane was found 243 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Ever heard of Chloroform? It tested 50 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Dibromoacetic acid was found 49 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • The chemical Dibromochloromethane is 85 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Dichloroacetic acid was found 55 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Haloacetic acids (HAA5) came in 186 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) was found at 295 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Trichloroacetic acid was found 53 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.

Understanding the Science Behind Austin’s Water Quality

These chemicals have caused pregnancy issues and cancer. Instead of taking the risk and drinking the water, invest in a filtration system.

Filtered Water Explained

Filtered water is exactly what you think it is: it’s water that has been filtered. Instead of drinking water from the tap that has gone from the water treatment plants, through the pipes and out your tap, filtered water adds cleansing steps. 

You can filter water at home through reverse osmosis systems or with carbon filters. First, is an at-home filtration system. Typically, those systems are reverse osmosis water filters. This has the ability to remove 99.8% of contaminants found in water. Some examples of removed chemicals are: Arsenic, Copper, Ammonia, Bacteria, Lead, Mercury, Fluoride, Aluminum, Trihalomethanes, Dirt, Debris and Chlorine. 

Want to learn more about reverse osmosis systems? Read our in depth look at reverse osmosis systems and how they work

Another way to filter water at home is through carbon filters. These filters will remove chlorine and other large contaminants. Typically, you can find carbon filters through filtered water pitchers and filtered water bottles

a cup of water against a sunset

The Next Steps Towards Clean Water

Our priority at ONIT is to make sure our customers know what is in their water and find solutions to keep their home water systems clean and safe. First, contact us for a free water test. From there, we can give you your results the same day.  Then, we can start the steps on finding the best water filtration system for your house. After our professional installation, you and your family will have the best water for your health.

Visit us online, or give us a call today at 1-833-433-0331.

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