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Do I Need a Home Security System? A Benefits Breakdown

a hand pressing buttons on a home seucrity system
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It is very common to find yourself on the fence about getting a home security system. This is especially true if you have never experienced a break-in or burglary before. You may be asking, do I need a home security system? Installing one can cost money, and then you pay a monthly monitoring fee on top of that. As such, you may wonder if a home security system is worth the cost and something that you should consider investing in. Home security systems have numerous benefits associated with them. Learning about these benefits can help you to see the value of a home security system. It also helps you make an informed decision as to whether you should install one in your home. Read on to discover the top benefits associated with installing a home security system.

Protection From Burglary and Home Invasion

One of the major benefits associated with home security is that they protect against burglary and home invasions. Criminals tend to focus on easy targets. Difficult targets increase the likelihood of criminals being caught and arrested. As such, they tend to stay away from homes that are well-lit. They also avoid homes that are hard to get into and have a noticeable home security system . Studies show that having a home security system can reduce the likelihood of you being targeted by a criminal by as much as 50 percent. A home security is a huge deterrent. It can also reduce the likelihood of your home being targeted by a criminal.

Helps Minimize Losses If a Break-In Occurs

A home security system does offer some protection against burglary and home invasions. But, this type of system cannot prevent crime completely. If a burglar does break into your home, a home security system can help to minimize your losses. A thief is less likely to hang around and take their time going through your home if there is a loud alarm going off. Police are likely on their way, and criminals want to get out before that happens. Criminals do not want to take the risk of being seen by your neighbors. They also do not want to hang around and run the risk of being arrested and going to jail. As such, having an alarm can help to reduce your losses if a break-in does actually occur.

an insurance agent sits down with two people to explain how does insurance work

Possible Decreased Homeowner’s Insurance Premiums

One of the lesser-known benefits associated with a home security system is that you can possibly decrease your homeowner’s insurance or your renter’s insurance premiums. Both homeowner’s and renter’s insurance policies reimburse you for the costs associated with losses you sustain. This includes losses for a home break-in and theft. By taking steps to decrease the likelihood that you will be a target of a thief, such as installing a home security system, you reduce the insurance company’s liability for having to cover a break-in. As such, many companies pass the cost savings onto you for proactively installing a home security system.

It is important to note that every company is different, and the discounts provided by companies can vary. As such, you should reach out to your insurance company to inquire about savings associated with a security system.

Peace of Mind When You Are Out of Town

If you frequently travel, one of the concerns you may have is whether your home is safe. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to increase your home’s security when you are away. Avoid being seen taking suitcases or luggage out to your vehicle and leaving lights on without a timer. These are key giveaways to a potential thief that a home is empty. On top of this, you can greatly benefit from a home security system. A home security system monitors your doors and windows for movement, alerting you and the police to that motion. This helps protect your home when you are away, a time when your home is most vulnerable. If you do not have pets, you may also be able to go without a home sitter. You can check the status of your home on your own any time you want.

a woman in the kitchen cooking with the qolsys iq panel in the background on the wall

Helps Monitor and Keep Tabs on Your Kids

Your children may come and go when you are out of the house or away at work. One of the benefits of a home security system for parents is that they can monitor their kids. Your alarm system may indicate to you when your child leaves for school, when they return home from school, and if they leave the house to go play or for an activity. A home alarm system is no substitute for a babysitter for those with young children. However, it can be a great resource for those who have children who are too old for a babysitter. A home security system can also help with teenagers. It can prevent your teenager from attempting to sneak out of the house or sneak friends into the house.

Added Emergency Protection and Help

When you ask yourself do I need a home security system, you may immediately start to focus on the benefits associated with protecting your home from a home break-in. However, home security systems do more than just protect your home from a break-in. Home security systems have additional features that help to detect fire, or gas leaks. They also have an emergency medical button. When a problem occurs and the emergency button is pressed, emergency services will arrive at your home quickly. This often happens faster than calling 911 yourself. This means it can speed up emergency care when you are most in need of it. Even a few seconds will make a huge difference when it comes to a home fire or a medical emergency. Having this peace of mind incorporated into your home security system is invaluable.

a qolsys iq panel 4 home security panel showing who disarmed the home security system

Home Automation Features and Controls

Technology has changed home security systems for the better. In the past, home security systems primarily used motion sensors. This showed if a door opened, a window broke, or there was motion in a home. But these days, technology allows many home automation features and controls to be implemented into your home security system. Connecting a security system to camera systems, both inside and outside of your home, allows you to see what is going on at your home at all times. Connect home security systems to smart home features.

This includes lights, allowing you to shut off lights that were left on. This also includes temperature controls, allowing you to heat or cool your home before you get home. And connect home security systems to locking mechanisms. This allows you to lock or unlock your door based on camera footage showing who is it at your door. A home security system can be a hub for all of your home automation needs. This allows you to elements within your home without even being home.

Did You Know it Can Increase Your Home Value?

The final benefit of a security system is that it may increase your home’s value. Homes that are already pre-wired for home security systems or have a system already installed tend to sell for a little bit more. This is compared to the price of homes that are not pre-wired or have no home security system installed. While the value may not increase drastically, even a small increase can be a welcome benefit for many homeowners. It can also help offset the costs associated with installing a system and paying to monitor that system. Talk to a real estate agent to learn if you can increase your home’s value with security systems.

viewing a block of security camera footage

Trust ONIT Home for All Your Security Needs

Home security systems were designed to monitor your home for break-ins when initially introduced. Thanks to technological advancements, home security systems are able to do far more than just monitor your home. They offer numerous benefits. But it is important to note that the benefits you receive may vary based on the system you decide to install and the features for that particular security system.

Here at ONIT Home, we specialize in smart home security and automation. If you are asking yourself if you should get a security system, the answer may be yes. Let our team help you find the right security system for your home. The right system has all of the benefits and features you expect in a security system. Learn more about ONIT Home’s smart security services or give us a call right now at 1-833-433-0331 to learn more.

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