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Wired vs Wireless Security Cameras: Which Is Better For My Home?

A security camera is installed on the outside of a home.
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There are plenty of things to know when discussing wired vs wireless security cameras. 

We’ll start by defining what a wired security camera is before we compare it to a wireless security camera. First, you have to hardwire a wired security camera into your Internet connection in order for it to work properly. You also have to hardwire a wired security camera into some kind of power source so that it functions correctly. You might have to get two different cords: one that connects to the power source and one that connects the camera to your Internet connection. However, quite a few wired security cameras use Power over Ethernet cables and you only need one wire for these cables. 

Wireless cameras don’t need wires to function. They use Wi-Fi to establish connection.

To understand key differences in the wires vs wireless security cameras debate, you’ll need to know the benefits and disadvantages of each. We’ll start with wired security cameras.

An outdoor security camera installed on a cement building that sits in front of trees.

Advantages of Wired Security Cameras

Harder to Steal

Wired security camera are physically connected to your home. Therefore, it’s more difficult for someone to steal a wired security camera from your house. They would have to sever the physical connection between the security camera and your home in order to steal it. As a result, wired security cameras might be a better choice for homeowners worried about someone stealing their camera.

Less Reliant On Wi-Fi

We know your Wi-Fi network can be unreliable sometimes. Unfortunately, you may have to deal with your Internet signal dropping at some point. This is often because of a weaker Internet connection. Wired security cameras are far less affected by these signal drops when compared to wireless security cameras.

So if we’re talking about reliability in the wired vs wireless security cameras, wired systems may be the victor. They do not rely on a strong Internet connection in order to keep working. Therefore, it’s a good idea to use wired security cameras if you do not have the strongest Internet connection.

Need security cameras? Learn about ONIT Home’s $500 voucher to make switching to security easier.

Monitor More Areas

A wired security camera system can also support a greater number of cameras compared to a wireless security camera system. This means that you can use wired security cameras to monitor more areas in your home. Homeowners with larger properties to protect will see this as a benefit. 

Difficult to Hack

In this modern age, we know one concern for anyone using a security system is its susceptibility to hacking. However, in the wired vs wireless security cameras debate, wires cameras are more difficult to hack. 

The reason is that wired security cameras are on what’s known as a closed network. Therefore, it is less likely that someone can hack into your security cameras if you are using wired security cameras.

Disadvantages of Wired Security Cameras

Lots of Cords

Of course, there are disadvantages to choosing wired security cameras, as well. 

For example, wired security cameras come with a ton of cords. This can be a pain to deal with. Hooking up all of these cords to your Internet router can also prove to be annoying. You might have to drill some holes in your walls if you are going to install this security camera.

Affected by Power Outages

When comparing wired vs wireless security cameras, another disadvantage for wired security cameras is power outages. We understand some people live in areas that have occasional rolling blackouts. If this is the case, wired security cameras may not be an ideal choice for you. Wired security cameras use hardwired connections in order to function. This means that a power outage would cause your security camera to turn off.

Less Flexible

Wired security cameras are also much more difficult to move compared to wireless security cameras. This is because the wired security camera is linked to a specific location. Sticking to one location can be a problem if you need to move your wired security cameras. If your house gets renovated or something blocks the wired security camera, then you will have a harder time moving the wired security camera to a new location so it can function effectively.

a man installing an indoor home security camera

Advantages of Wireless Security Cameras

After reading about all the benefits of wired cameras, you’re probably wondering why families ever consider a wireless system. Well, wireless security cameras provide their own set of unique advantages.

Easier to Install

We’re sure you will have an easier time installing a wireless security camera. The main thing to keep in mind is that you have to hook up wireless security cameras to some sort of power source. As a result, your security cameras need to be close to this power source. On the other hand, you do not have to run a cord from the security camera to your Internet router.

Easier to Move

Another advantage of choosing wireless security cameras is that they are more portable than wired systems. You can move wireless security cameras around your home with ease.

Wireless security cameras might also prove more useful if you’re hosting an event at home and need extra space. Or if you just got a new pet and want to monitor their activity in your living room. Simply unplug your camera and plug it back in at its new spot. On a related note, an easy-to-transport system makes it great for homeowners looking for something temporary.

outdoor security camera system positioned on the house

Disadvantages of Wireless Security Cameras

More Reliant on Wi-Fi

Another con to using wireless security cameras is that Wi-Fi issues affect them more. If your Wi-Fi signal drops, it can significantly impact the wireless security cameras. If other Wi-Fi signals interfere with your signal, this can negatively affect how well the wireless security cameras work, too. Make sure you have a strong Internet connection if you are going to use wireless security cameras.

Affected by Power Outages

As previously mentioned, wired security cameras are generally more susceptible to power outages. However, this does not mean that wireless security cameras are completely unaffected. You have to plug wireless security cameras into an electrical outlet for proper function. Because of this, power outages can mess up a wireless security camera’s operation. You should take extra care if you deal with any sort of power outage.

Easier to Hack

You will find that many modern wireless security cameras, especially those from reliable home security companies, are quite secure. 

It is also worth noting that some wireless security cameras made for consumers like you do not include any sort of encryption features. This means that these wireless security cameras are more vulnerable to cyberattacks and hacking. As you know, wireless security cameras use the Internet to transmit data to authorized devices. This means that wireless security cameras are more vulnerable to cyberattacks if you do not have the proper cybersecurity already set up.

Batteries Can Run Out of Charge

It is likely that you have used some kind of battery-powered device at some point. You know that the batteries that these devices run on only last for a certain amount of time before they die and need to be replaced. This is the same for battery-powered wireless security cameras. You have to replace the batteries in your battery-powered wireless security cameras every now and then to make sure they continue working.

A professional home security installer places an outdoor security camera outside of a home.

Bottomline: Both Security Camera Systems Have Pros and Cons

It is difficult to say whether wired security cameras or wireless security cameras will work better for you and your home. This is because there are several factors that affect how well both kinds of security cameras operate. If you want a security camera that will remain in one location, is harder to hack, and won’t be affected by Internet signal drops too much, then a wired security camera is probably better for you. 

However, if you are looking for a security camera that you can move around more easily and is simpler to install, then you will probably prefer wireless security cameras. Homeowners seeking a system that’s more difficult to hack, are easier to steal, and don’t rely heavily on Wi-Fi—wireless wins in the wired vs wireless security cameras debate. 

Overall, which kind of security camera you prefer depends on your wants and circumstances.

Ready to Install Security Cameras at Home? We’re ONIT

Monitor the activity inside your home with security cameras from ONIT Home. Our best-in-class equipment and team of knowledgeable security experts can help you find the right cameras for your space. Visit us online to learn more about our monitored home security systems that’s customizable and professionally installed. Or give us a call at 1-833-433-0331 for information on how ONIT customers can enjoy a $500 voucher.

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