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City of Colleyville Water Quality Review — What’s in Your Drinking Water?

A hand pouring water from a glass carafe into a black teapot kettle.
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The real-life story of Erin Brockovich, and eventual 2000 film starring Julia Roberts, made water quality and contamination a heavy topic in homes across the country. If you haven’t seen it, you should, as it’s informative and showcases the importance of water quality in a theatrical way. What’s ironic is that it’s been about 20 years since water standards have been updated.

Water quality tells us if our drinking water contains contaminants that may cripple our health. Some harmful contaminants can come from the natural environment, such as microbial contaminants in soil or metals in rocks. Other harmful contaminants come from human sources, such as fertilizers, pesticides, industrial, and even household wastes.

We all use water on a daily basis. We use it not only to drink, but to bathe in, wash our clothes, water our gardens, cooking, and cleaning. The presence of contaminants in drinking water is not necessarily a health risk in which you need to alert health officials. It is just important to know exactly what is in your water. It’s about being proactive rather than reactive. So let’s review the City of Colleyville water and water data so you can know whether it’s time to take action for cleaner H20.

Taking a Closer Look at the City of Colleyville’s Water

The following data is provided by EWG Tap Water Database for the City of Colleyville, Texas. Per their website, it is important to note that the “tap water provided was in compliance with federal health-based drinking water standards.” Water standards have not been updated in nearly 21 years and that legal water quality does not necessarily mean safe. 

So, What’s Exactly in Your Tap in Colleyville, Texas?

  • Arsenic was found at 91 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Bromochloroacetic acid was found at 354 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Bromodichloromethane was found at 194 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Chloroform was found at 35 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Dibromoacetic acid was found at 45 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Dibromochloromethane was found at 63 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Dichloroacetic acid was found at 58 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Haloacetic acids (HAA5) were found at 205 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) was found at 215 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.
  • Trichloroacetic acid was found at 44 times above EWG’s Health Guideline.

The city of Colleyville water review from EWG was able to highlight these contaminants that are just a few examples of what is actually found in Colleyville’s water. If you are discouraged, please know that we are here to provide you a free water test so that you can test your tap water yourself. It is important to be informed, and then you can make the choice to install a filtration system. 

Another way to push for cleaner water for everyone is to advocate to the elected officials who have a say in water quality — talk to your HOA, your city hall, and the state legislature to Congress all the way to the Oval Office — by asking questions and demanding answers, just like Erin Brockovich.

kitchen faucet with tap water coming out

Simple Solutions for Enjoying Clean Water at Home

If you’re wondering how to eliminate the contaminants floating in your water, you’re in luck. We’re certainly not going to leave you hanging after listing all these toxins without providing you with solutions for removing them. Some simple steps you can take to clean your water include: 

  • Boiling Your Water 
  • Using an Activated Carbon Filter
  • Installing a Reverse Osmosis Filter

Boiling Your Water

Simple and cheap, boiling water is the way to go if you don’t want to spend money on water filtration. While this process may seem too simple to be true, it can certainly be effective. No, it doesn’t remove hard metals from your water or provide whole-home filtration. But it does remove pollutants, bacteria, and microorganisms if you let the water reach 212° Fahrenheit. Keep in mind this is a very high temperature and if you don’t feel comfortable having your kitchen appliances get this hot, then boiling might not be the right solution for you. 

Boiling water is also a time-consuming process. It’s not instant like a water filtration system. It’s even slower than waiting for your water to pass through a filter in a pitcher. But, again, it gives you free water at a low price.

Using an Activated Carbon Filter

An activated carbon filter is what you’ll find in one of the handy water filter pitchers commonly on display at your local grocery store. They are great for removing the taste and odor of chlorine in your water. You can even expect these types of filters to reduce contaminants like lead and fluoride. 

However, don’t expect them to be nearly as thorough as a reverse osmosis filter in the number of contaminants it can remove. Similar to boiling water, a drawback to using an activated carbon filter is that it doesn’t offer whole home water filtration.

Installing a Reverse Osmosis Filter

Know the water flowing from every faucet in your home is clean with a powerful reverse osmosis filter. They can eliminate, not just reduce, chemical contaminants such as chloride, copper and lead. They can also remove yucky bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli, as well as viruses and protozoa.

No more measuring out water to boil on your stovetop or filtering rations of water with a filtered pitcher. A reverse osmosis system does the filtration for you and provides clean water for your shower, washing machine, kitchen sink, and more!

Ready for Clean Water? We’re ONIT!

You may not be happy with the City of Colleyville water results. But you have options for cleaner water.

A great place to start is with a free water test from ONIT. Our comprehensive water tests can identify the contaminants lurking in your water while our knowledgeable team of experts can provide you with solutions for getting clean water at home. We also have experience installing powerful water filtration systems inside of homes that can eliminate 97% of the toxins in tap water. 

Contact us today to uncover what’s in your water.

Whatever your needs are, we’re ONIT. Visit us online or call us at 1-833-433-0331. 

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